Monday, May 10, 2010

WE WELCOME YOU to Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church Pastoral Care and Counseling Ministry - a ministry of support.

OUR PURPOSE IS to bear one another's burdens and fulfill God's perfect law of love that casts out fear and allows us to accept and love ourselves and others. We are able to do this because He has first loved us and declares us to be forgiven through Jesus Christ.

OUR GOAL IS to minister the life-giving truth of God's word to the whole person; through involvement in intentional support / discipleship communities.

OUR PRAYER IS that we would face trials together that test our faith, persevere through them to finish the work that God has for us; that we would be mature and complete, and that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened to know the hope to which Jesus Christ has called us, the riches of His glorious inheritance, and His incomparable great power to those of us who believe.

The Counseling Ministry of Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church offers short term pastoral care and counseling as well as evaluation and referral services through a staff pastoral counselor and a group of trained lay counselors.

Counseling that is more long-term or involves more extensive counseling issues will be referred to an approved list of qualified counselors in the community.

Knowing that people are made in the image of God and are important to His work on this earth is where we begin in the Caring Ministry. Caring for people is what Christians do and is not of secondary but primary importance to our call as followers of Christ. The need to occasionally come along side a fellow believer at a time of need and provide care is not just the call of the Pastoral Staff, but of the body of Christ - the church. It is for that reason that Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church has commissioned lay members to minister in a variety of ways. These Support Caring and Counseling Ministries include:

The Healing Service is a place of prayer for physical and emotional healing, to seek the Lord, to know and feel His power and love, to be with other believers who receive you with love, where Holy Communion is served and Jesus is worshiped and glorified. If you think through that one sentence and what our eyes have witnessed of the power and gentleness of God through the years, you will understand why we come to each Healing Service in deep humility, expectation and awe of what the Lord will do. Everyone is welcome to participate on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Call Betty Brackett, 343-4707.

Ministering in partnership with Jesus Christ is the call and purpose of hospital visitation. Our goal is to minister and demonstrate the love of God and the assurance of His presence through prayers for healing, words of comfort and encouragement. It is also our desire to let all patients know how special they are as part of the body of believers at Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church and the whole body of Christ. Call Myrtle Grove Church office, 791-6179.

A marriage mender is a vessel through which the only true counselor, the Holy Spirit, will move to find God's truth in a troubled or broken relationship. A primary requirement of God is for us to be in relationship with Him, ourselves, others, and nature. We have a saying that no one is to blame but everyone is responsible. Isaiah 64:6 says that, "... our righteous acts are but filthy rags..." A marriage mender runs a laundromat where we separate the laundry into piles and everybody takes ownership of their rags. We then determine the best detergent to use, put in the right amount of bleach, select the right cycle and watch the spin of the Holy Spirit do His work. The final step is to gently fold the laundry and praise God for His hand of restoration. There is no relationship that can't be healed by our powerful God. Call Myrtle Grove Church office, 791-6179.

For those interested in intense Prayer Counseling, we have a one-day session available with trained counselors. The material used is by Neil T. Anderson and is entitled The Steps To Freedom In Christ. This is a seven-step guide to help you resolve personal and spiritual conflicts, renew your mind, and experience daily victory as a child of God. Call Sarah Phillips, 791-9583, or Myrtle Grove Church office, 791-6179.

The church offers two different tests for couples who desire a successful marriage. The Prepare Test is for couples that plan to be married and the Enrich Test is for people who are already married and struggling. These tests are very effective tools in showing you areas of strengths and weaknesses to work on and build from. Call Myrtle Grove Church office, 791-6179.

TLC (Tender Loving Care)
TLC is a helps ministry which ministers to those with special needs - the sick or hospitalized, the mourning, or the families with newborns. Cards, flowers, and meals are given (on a volunteer basis) to encourage the body of Christ. If you wish to serve, contact the church, 791-6179.

TITUS II GROUPS (Mentoring of Abuse / Divorce)
If you just want a "seasoned Christian lady" to come along beside you then a Titus II group may be for you. Contact the church office and leave your number for Patsy Lennon. Our desire is to meet you where you are and help you walk through to wholeness and healing.

We will provide a reception or meal upon request for family and out of town guests for members of MGPC in the loss of immediate family members.

All information shared with a counselor or lay minister is considered to be confidential. Information will not be disclosed other than for the purpose of professional consultation and supervision without written consent. The following exceptions, however, call for and will result in confidentiality being waived:

Pastors, counselors and lay ministers have a legal and ethical responsibility to waive confidentiality and inform the appropriate person, agency or civil authority in the event of reasonable suspicion of a person's intent to do harm to themselves; reasonable suspicion of a person's intent to do physical or homicidal harm to another's property, or to terrorize another; or reasonable suspicion of harm that has been or is being done to a minor child physically or sexually.